Carpet Cleaning Slough 19 Burnham Ln, Slough, UK
Posted on May 18, 2023 / 185
Listing Type : Cleaning
Location : London
Opening Hours
  • Monday :08:00-20:00
  • Tuesday :08:00-20:00
  • Wednesday :08:00-20:00
  • Thursday :08:00-20:00
  • Friday :08:00-20:00
  • Saturday :08:00-20:00
  • Sunday :08:00-20:00

At Carpet Cleaning Slough, we strive to offer cleaning services of highest quality, both to private and business clients. Our company has been able to establish its good name during our yearlong practice, thanks to the tireless efforts of our wonderful and friendly, highly trained professionals. We provide one-off cleaning, as well as regular basis options, be it a domestic or office space cleaning. Carpet Cleaning Slough

Established Business
Highly recommended
London Based Company
Over 10 years on the market
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